Worldwide pioneering technology with 8 years of ingenious research and development
Three platforms based on epigenetic technology + big data

About Us
Providing integrated solution for reproduction
Making infertility and birth defects history
Guangzhou Nvwa Life Technology Co., Ltd. is a world-leading innovative company with genome epigenetics research and medical transformation platform. On two major technology platforms (the technology platform of whole-genome library preparation of trace cells and the database platform of human epigenetics), Nvwa aims for longitudinal and in-depth development and promotion of products in the epigenetic field and market, which indicate the product pathway from assisted reproductive tests, to obstetrical as well as neonatal epigenetic disease tests, and then from epigenetic diagnosis to epigenetic editing treatment.

World-class R & D team

Innovative technology in its first

BSL-2 Medical Laboratory
News Center
生殖医学领域规模最大、最具影响力的国际会议——美国生殖医学会(ASRM)2024年年会在美国科罗拉多州丹佛市圆满落幕。来自90多个国家和地区的5000余名专家学者齐聚一堂,共同探讨生殖医学学术挑战、分享临床经验、探索前沿技术新方向。 女娲生命参加此次会议,展示了其首创的表观遗传检测技术——植入前甲基化筛查(PIMS),并受邀做主题演讲。此外,该公司还荣获 ASRM 颁发的 2024 年生殖生物学与技术学会 (SRBT) 奖。 会议期间,PIMS产品和技术获得了全球生殖行业领导者、潜在合作伙伴和客户的高度关注和认可。女娲团队通过互动与行业专家和与会者建立联系,获得对市场需求的宝贵见解并了解新技术趋势。这些信息将帮助女娲更好地了解行业趋势并完善其产品,使其更贴近市场需求。 女娲生命高级研发总监姚雪龙博士受邀发表题为“ 辅助生殖技术中评估胚胎质量的一种新方法: DNA甲基化”的主题演讲。 他被美国生殖医学会(ASRM)授予2024年生殖生物学与技术学...
On August 23rd, the winners of the HICOOL 2024 Global Entrepreneurship Competition were announced at the HICOOL 2024 Global Entrepreneurs Summit. The "Pioneering Application of Epigenetics in Reproductive Medicine" project by Nuwa Life won the third prize! In this grand gathering of global wisdom, we competed with 7,406 projects and 9,700 top innovators from 124 countries and regions, showcasing our strength and innovative spirit. Receiving recognition on such an international stage is a high affirmation of our potential for future development, and we are deeply honored. We thank every partner who supports us and every team member for their hard work and relentless pursuit. It is your creativity and efforts that have made this moment possible. This honor belongs to each of us and is the result of our joint struggle. We will continue to uphold the spirit ...
In December 2021, Guangzhou Nvwa Life Technology Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with CITIC Xiangya Genetics and Reproductive Specialist Hospital, the University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Hospital, and Shenyang Shengjing Hospital, aiming to cooperate in national scientific programs, research and development, and clinical trials.